Friday, May 4, 2012

Google doodles Keith Haring's 54th birthday

Today, Google has replaced its usual homepage logo with a new artistic logo to commemorate the 54th birth anniversary of Keith Haring. The doodle uses normal Google colors - blue, red, yellow and green, but it has been created in a way, which looks pleasing and makes the viewer feel energized in the first look.

If you notice, you will find that the doodle features a bunch of people dancing and celebrating. And every element in this doodle has something to express. The first 'O' in the Google doodle looks like a superman, who is trying to fly high. The dance moves in the doodle can make you think - for a moment - that these hippies have gathered to dance in someone's birthday party. Oh! Keith Haring's 54th birthday.

But if you observe the doodle carefully, you will get the feel of street dancing, and interestingly these dancers form the today's doodle, which looks colorful and lively.

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